Group Print Show - Catalogue

Group Print Show - Catalogue

Group Print Show

Sally Clark - Power Play - Catalogue

Sally Clarke - Power Play - Catalogue

Sally Clarke - Power Play

Escher-like symmetry of black and white patterns with a twenty-first century twist.

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Bogumila Strojna - Mental Space - Catalogue

Bogumila Strojna - Mental Space - Catalogue

Bogumila Strojna - Mental Space

Cross, you see - 2012 - Medium: pvc pipes and tubing - courtesy of Bogumila Strojna

The artist's idea  of the cube shapes big and small evolving into the complex within the head-space of the audience.

Mental Space_02

Mental Space_03

All the cube interpretations of this installation in the showroom of Factory 49 represented within these photographs are the intellectual property of the artist Bogumila Strojna.

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Bogumila Strojna - Artist at Work

Photoshop 'Mental Space' image projected onto art space.

The issue here is that there was not enough red tape so the colour blue was used instead.

The cube interpretations of this wall art on the outside wall under cover  at Factory 49 represented within these photographs are the intellectual property of the artist Bogumila Strojna. 

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Links: Catalogue  / Mental Space / facebook

Pam Aitken - Variations on a Still Point 7 - Catalogue

Pam Aitken - Variations on a Still Point 7 - Catalogue

Pam Aitken - Variations on a Still Point 7

Variations on a Still Point 7 -  2006 - Detail_01

The artist's repetition of subtle brushstrokes of white oil on canvases within a time-loop continuum expressed on three examples from a suite of nine paintings.

My Birthday Cake

Aimee and Marjorie